week 1
Hand someone your business card with both hands in a casual setting
Have a full-on argument with your partner on speakerphone in a quiet café
Cut in line and act like you don’t see the angry stares
Eat something with a strong smell in a packed train
Spit on the ground in the middle of a busy sidewalk
Stand too close to someone in an almost empty elevator
Try to start a deep conversation with a stranger at 7 AM
Burp loudly after a meal in a restaurant and call it a compliment
Sit right next to someone in an almost empty waiting room
Bring your own food into a restaurant and start eating it at the table
Slurp your soup or noodles loudly at a formal dinner
Let your dog off the leash in a no-dog area and pretend it’s fine
Block the entire sidewalk while walking in a group
Spit out bones directly onto the restaurant table
Forget to make eye contact when clinking glasses for a toast
Expect unlimited free refills at a restaurant
Put your feet up on a seat in public transport
Talk about personal hygiene or bathroom habits at the dinner table
Loudly negotiate prices in a public market
Take selfies in the middle of a formal meeting or meal
Talk about your salary or personal finances in detail at the dinner table
Walk into someone’s home with your shoes on without asking
Leave food on your plate when eating with others
Raise your voice in a quiet place like a library or temple
Argue with older people
Criticize the government in public
Kiss your partner in public
Touch someone’s personal belongings without permission
Stand too close to someone in line
Wear sunglasses indoors
Wear too revealing clothing
Ask about someone’s weight or age
Take food from someone’s plate without asking
Touch sacred objects in temples
Interrupt a conversation
Bring pets to public places like parks or restaurants
Give someone a clock as a gift
Talk about your love life too openly
Show up uninvited to a private gathering
Criticize Chinese history or traditions
Put your feet up in public spaces
Leave your phone ringer on in a quiet space
Be overly familiar with strangers, especially in formal settings
Brag about how “Western” your lifestyle is
Tip in restaurants
Openly express frustration or anger in public
Take pictures of people without permission
Comment on someone's appearance or fashion
Sit cross-legged at a business meeting
Ignore elders or fail to show respect
Litter the streets
Give someone a gift that’s too expensive
Dear Aria,
This week, I’ve left the city three times, fleeing the endless hum of technology, the screens that never sleep, and the weight of a life built on wires and code. Even out here, where the air feels lighter and the sky stretches wide, I’ve heard whispers of this strange green flint—fire-resistant, rare, and always found alone, never as part of larger rocks.[1] It’s like the quiet I’m searching for: resilient, but fragile in its own way. If the flint is too small, it’s useless against the fire, which just keeps burning.[2] Last Wednesday, the life I built in the city crumbled—not from an attack, but from the suffocating grip of a world too connected, too fast, too much. Even out here, where the world feels simpler, I’m reminded that nothing is ever truly untouched. Tools, systems, machines—they don’t just appear; they’re made, moved, used, and resisted.[3] Both sides—the pull of the city and the call of the wild—will push back, and the reasons are as tangled as the roots of the old trees I now walk among.[4]
When the noise of the world invades, it can overwhelm you in three different ways, and here, where the land stretches quiet and vast, it’s hard to know how to respond.[5] I’m running out of ideas. I’ve tried to escape, to disappear into the hills, to seek solace in the stillness. But the mind, no matter how hard it tries to quiet itself, always meets resistance.[6] Even out here, where the world feels slower, my hands recognized what I was reaching for before my eyes could make sense of it—before the scene shifted to reveal it clearly, not just as a feeling, but as something real.[7]
It was haunting. Everyone was there when it happened—not neighbors or strangers, but the trees, the wind, the distant call of a bird. Some say the original language was pure, a song of the earth, and that the noise of modern life came later as a punishment, something the untouched wouldn’t have to endure.[8] And then I saw her. Standing in the quiet of the forest, she seemed to rise from the earth itself, shielding him from the storm, ensuring he wouldn’t be struck by the chaos of the world above.[9]
I was afraid of her. She stood in the clearing, her hair tucked under a scarf, her presence both calming and unsettling. There’s a belief that this kind of peace is meant to foster true connection—not between husband and wife, but between a person and the land. After all, if you leave too soon, before you’ve grown accustomed to the silence, you might lose yourself to the noise again.[10] I told an old wanderer about her, a man who’s lived in these hills for decades. I told him everything, but he just nodded, unimpressed.
“It’s strange,” he said, “how people always think the answer is out here, in the wild. And yeah, it makes sense to ask why, but I’m not here to break the rules—just to live by them.” Then he added, “Peace, like everything else, finds people differently. What one person finds calming, another might find empty. But no matter what, we all agree that whatever—or wherever—we find it, it’s sacred. That’s why people who find it get so caught up, thinking it’s the only truth.”[11]
How could he say that? Was he right? Maybe she was just an illusion, a trick of the light, trying to pull me back into the world I left behind.
The mind is lazy, they say. It takes the easiest path—like a city dweller scrolling through endless feeds instead of stepping outside.[12] I don’t want to frame what just happened as some kind of rebellion against the modern world.[13] The old wanderer went back to his fire, poking at the embers. I’m not sure when he’ll move on. It seems he’s only written the first chapter of his story—a tale of these hills, from the time before the cities rose to the quiet after the world moved on, including the wars we fought with ourselves and how the land endured, tangled in its own quiet love story.[14]
Take care of yourself,
Your Jade
[1] Pliny, Natural History Volume 6
[2] Seneca, Complete Works
[3] Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
[4] Dietrich, The Educated Eye Interfaces Studies in Visual Cu
[5] Herring, Street Furniture Design Contesting Modernism in P
[6] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[7] Augustine, Confessions
[8] Elsaesser, Film Theory An Introduction Through the Senses
[9] Augustine, The City of God
[10] Petrarch, The Canzoniere
[11] Calvin, Harmony of the Law Vol 3
[12] Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier
[13] Boomen, Digital Material Tracing New Media in Everyday Li
"You keep preaching to me about 'saving face' and 'abstinence.'" [1]
I said, "Hatred grows from restraint, like a weed in an untended field." [2]
Again, you tell me, "You keep preaching to me about 'saving face' and 'abstinence.'" [3] "But even Confucius never held up abstinence as a virtue to be blindly followed. He taught moderation—not extremes." [4]
Yet, weakness is bred by abstinence, and...
"His gums were swollen, rotting. The doctor said he must abstain completely—no spicy hotpot, no baijiu, no fried foods. Only congee and boiled greens could save him." [5] "They warned him to avoid anything 'hot' or 'dry' in nature, as imbalance breeds disease." [6] Indulgence would only feed the fire within. Abstinence was his only hope.
So then, loneliness is bred by abstinence?
"Some say he died on the ninth day of fasting; others say it was the fourth, the same day they buried the dead from the Battle of Red Cliffs." [7] "Her husband, a cruel man, laughed and said, 'Even on days of abstinence, I can’t do with less than ten times.'" [8] "Our duty is to reject everything he created, to destroy it through asceticism, even to the point of ending creation itself through sexual abstinence." [9]
Distance is bred by abstinence! "Abstinence." "Abstinence?" "Abstinence (fasting)." [10]
"What matters isn’t action or inaction, but clarity—to truly understand what we are doing, like the sage Laozi gazing into the river." [11] "This divine gift came at a cost: the sacrifice of many pleasures, like the monk who leaves the world to find enlightenment." [12] Clarity of mind, they believed, could only come through discipline and sacrifice. I chose to live apart, to distance myself, believing that only through restraint could I find wisdom, like the hermit in the mountains.
But fear is bred by abstinence, isn’t it?
Well, "Everything revolved around marriage: the obligations, the ability to fulfill them, the ways people complied, the demands and violence that came with it, the unwanted touches, the fertility or the methods to avoid it, the times it was demanded (during dangerous pregnancies or forbidden periods or abstinence), its frequency or rarity, and so on." [13]
Yet, coldness is bred by abstinence...
"Now, if we take this literally and accept that the economic subject cannot be reduced to the subject of rights, then these economic subjects require either the sovereign’s abstention or the subordination of his rationality to a scientific, speculative logic." [14] "Is abstinence even a virtue? Or is it just another form of saving face at the cost of truth?" [15]
"The cure is Abstinence, Temperance, and Sobriety—like the teachings of the ancient sages, who sought harmony between heaven, earth, and man." [16]
[1] Marx, Collected Works
[2] von Strassburg, Tristan and Isolde
[3] Marx, Collected Works
[4] Calvin, Harmony of the Law Vol 3
[5] de Montaigne, The Complete Essays
[6] Hippocrates of Kos, Complete Works
[7] Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
[8| Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
[9] Camus, The Rebel
[10] Ruskin, The Stones of Venice
[11] Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
[12] Michelet, Women of the French Revolution
[13] Foucault, The History of Sexuality Volume 1
[14] Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics
[15] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[16] Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
You keep preaching to me—constantly—the gospel of more. More, more, more. Always more. [1]
I said, "Despair is bred by overconsumption." [2] I said it, but did you hear me? Did anyone hear me?
Again, you preach to me—constantly—the gospel of excess. [3] "Indulge," you say. "Indulge, because the sages never warned against it. Confucius spoke of balance, but who listens to the old ways now? No one wise ever sought this path. No one wise ever drowned in this much noise." [4]
But numbness—oh, the numbness—is bred by overconsumption. And…
His mind was frayed. Scattered. The doctors warned him. "Overstimulation," they said. [5] "Moderation," they said. "Avoid the loud, the bright, the endlessly novel. Avoid the hotpot that burns your tongue, the baijiu that clouds your mind, the neon lights that blind your soul." [6] But he didn’t listen. How could he? The void was too deep, too wide. Overconsumption was his only escape. His only hope.
So, therefore—emptiness is bred by overconsumption? Is that it?
Some say he collapsed on the ninth hour. Scrolling, scrolling, endlessly scrolling. [7] Others say it was the fourth. His eyes glazed over. The world became a blur. Noise. Light. Noise. Light. Noise. Light. Her partner, a restless soul, laughed. "Even in stillness," he said, "I can’t bear to be without ten screens at once." [8] Ten screens. Ten voices. Ten worlds. None of them real.
Our duty, no, my duty, is to consume. To drown in everything he created. Through excess. Through overstimulation. To obliterate. To obliterate myself. [9]
Chaos. Chaos is bred by overconsumption. "Overconsumption." "Overconsumption?" "Overconsumption (gluttony)." [10]
What concerns him—what concerns me—isn’t action. Isn’t restraint. It’s distraction. To forget. To forget what I’m doing. What I’ve done. What I’ve become. [11]
This divine curse, this gift was sold to me. At the price of endless indulgence. Fleeting pleasures. Empty pleasures. [12] Clarity of mind? No. Clarity is a lie. Clarity is destroyed. Through excess. Through indulgence. I chose this. I chose to drown. In the noise. In the light. In the world. To escape the silence. The silence. The silence.
But anxiety—oh, the anxiety—is bred by overconsumption. Isn’t it? Isn’t it?
Well, they were all centered on consumption. The need for more. The inability to stop. The justifications. The demands. The addictions. The useless purchases. The unwarranted cravings. The emptiness. The emptiness. The moments—oh, the moments—when I craved it. Bored evenings. Restless mornings. Forbidden hours of the night. The frequency. The constancy. The always. [13]
However—however—exhaustion. Exhaustion is bred by overconsumption. Isn’t it? Isn’t it?
Now, if we take things literally—if we grasp the irreducibility of the consumer to the subject of desire—then these consumers, then I require either the market’s excess or the subordination of my rationality. My art of living. To a chaotic hunger. An insatiable hunger. [14]
Is overconsumption a vice? Is it? Is it? [15]
The remedy—the remedy—is Moderation. Balance. Stillness. [16]
But how? How?
[1] Marx, Collected Works
[2] von Strassburg, Tristan and Isolde
[3] Marx, Collected Works
[4] Calvin, Harmony of the Law Vol 3
[5] de Montaigne, The Complete Essays
[6] Hippocrates of Kos, Complete Works
[7] Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
[8| Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
[9] Camus, The Rebel
[10] Ruskin, The Stones of Venice
[11] Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
[12] Michelet, Women of the French Revolution
[13] Foucault, The History of Sexuality Volume 1
[14] Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics
[15] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[16] Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
No one has the right to enter this temple of taboos, this temple of mirrors [1].
It is as young as the city itself, yet it holds the weight of centuries. A paradox, isn’t it? Just like Shenzhen—
ancient in spirit, but born yesterday.
And yet, here I stand.
Is this an intellectual scandal? [2]
Perhaps. But isn’t it human nature to want what we’re told we cannot have?
True. Prohibition fans the flames of desire. Unless, of course, righteousness is so deeply rooted that it
overpowers the pull of sin [3].
But righteousness is rare in a city like this—a city built on dreams and devoured by its own reflection.
So, lust is forbidden? [4]
Lust, desire, greed—all forbidden. They are the chains that bind us to this world. But love?
Love is a passion. [5]
And passion?
Passion is a cage. To chase desire is not freedom, but chains and bondage. [6]
This city knows that well. Look at it—always reaching, always building, never satisfied. The temple reflects
that. It shows you what you are, and what you could become.
And what is freedom, then? [7]
You ask what this freedom is? [8]
To rise above the flesh, to transcend its cravings—that is true freedom. [9]
But few achieve it. Most are trapped in the cycle of want and need, like the endless hum of these streets. The
temple shows you that too, in its mirrors.
So close, so attainable, yet how many remain enslaved? [10]
Now, love is a passion. [11]
And passion is hunger. And hunger is need. And need is weakness. The temple feeds on that weakness. It
always has. It reflects your hunger back at you, sharper, brighter, impossible to ignore.
You think you know everything, old man. But in truth, you know nothing at all. [12]
Perhaps. Or perhaps I know too much. The temple will show you the truth, whether you are ready or not. But
remember: what you see in the mirrors is not always what is real. [13]
Speak out. [14]
Get out. [15]
But she went in.
[1] Serres, Malfeasance
[2] Proclus, Baltzly Commentary on Platos Timaeus Book 4
[3] Augustine, The City of God
[4] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[5] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[6] Tyndale, Doctrinal Treatises
[7] Seneca, Complete Works
[8] Seneca, Complete Works
[9] Seneca, Complete Works
[10] Seneca, Complete Works
[11] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[12] Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
[13] Seneca, Complete Works
[14] de Montaigne, The Complete Essays
„an exclusive night of privilege“
Yes, you read that correctly. You have been chosen.
Amid the towering skyline of Shenzhen, where ambition meets innovation, you stand apart.
A city that never stops, never sleeps—yet tonight, for a select few, time will slow.
Privilege is but a coin with two sides—exclusivity for some, an unattainable dream for others. [1]
Consider yourself fortunate.
This is not merely an event; it is a statement of elegance, of presence, of prestige.
In a city where a WeChat scan can grant or deny access, tonight, your pass is secured.
Dress the part—sharp, striking, effortless. [2]
Shenzhen’s elite know: image is capital.
An evening of insight, indulgence, and entertainment awaits.
Is knowledge power, or is it pleasure? [3] Perhaps both.
To understand fully is to crave more, to experience deeply is to savor longer. [4]
That is for you to decide.
But be warned—sometimes, the pursuit of all things can leave one with nothing. [5]
There will be music, there will be movement.
What is a gathering without rhythm, without art? [6]
Do not worry. We curate only the best.
Tonight, we are all performers—characters in a story still unfolding. [7]
The finest company has been assembled—
venture capitalists, visionaries, technocrats, artists.
In this city, knowledge is currency, but influence is the true measure of power. [8]
All contribute to the grand machine—some lead, some follow.
And yet, even the highest can be caught off guard. [9] Will you?
Come prepared.
Deals are struck over baijiu, fortunes shift between courses.
Tonight, indulgence is an art, and even excess has its place.
Drink well, for in rare moments, even drunkenness is an honor. [10]
One thing is certain: exclusivity is paramount. [11]
What happens here stays here.
Decide now, or the decision will be made for you. [12]
Your presence is expected. Will you rise to the occasion?
"The great pass is as difficult as iron, but now we take a step forward, starting anew."
True power is forged through perseverance and boldness.
[1] Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty
[2] Bourdieu, Distinction
[3] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[4] Harrison Wood Gaiger, Art in Theory 1648 1815
[5] Cicero, On Moral Ends
[6] Plato, The Republic
[7] Sloterdijk, Critique of Cynical Reason
[8] Chiapello, The New Spirit of Capitalism
[9] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[10] Seneca, Complete Works
[11] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[12] Wollstonecraft, Complete Works
Ah, young friend, come closer. Sit, sit. Let this old man tell you a story.
Both stories begin in Shenzhen [1], you see. This city, it is like a wild dragon, always moving, always
breathing fire. At first glance, the Chinese boomtown of Shenzhen does not inspire much hope. [2]
Too crowded, too noisy, too much smoke and steel. But look deeper, and you will see its heart beating,
fast and strong. The pace is so fast that the speed is breathtaking.[3] Every day, something new rises from
the ground, like bamboo after the rain.
Shenzhen also smothers its island sibling with symbiotic overachievement. [4]
Hong Kong, it was once the shining star, but now Shenzhen has taken the stage.
The young surpass the old, as it always has been. You were young then; we were both young.[5]
But now, I am old, and Shenzhen is still young. Probably because it is young [6], it has no fear.
It runs forward, chasing the future without looking back.
In China, children give their parents extraordinary honors. [7] This is our way, no?
But here, in Shenzhen, the city itself is the child, and we are all its parents.
We feed it with our sweat, our dreams, our long days and sleepless nights. And it grows,
faster than we can imagine. Technological progress depends on the pace of innovation and the rapidity of
implementation. [8]
Here, we do not wait. We build, we test, we fail, we try again.
But sometimes, young friend, I wonder.
They do not seek technology for the sake of technology or productivity enhancement for the betterment
of humankind.[9] No, no. It is for something else, something harder to name.
Profit? Power? Pride?
Perhaps all of these.
Sometimes this can seem like a very alien culture which defies any form of logic. [10]
But I understand your culture. [11] I have lived long enough to see its patterns, its rhythms.
China is a much richer country than any part of Europe, and the difference between the price of
subsistence in China and in Europe is very great. [12] Here, we work hard, but we also dream big.
Shenzhen is proof of that. It is a city built on dreams, on the belief that tomorrow will be better than
So, young friend, take this old man’s words with you. Shenzhen is not just a city.
It is a story, a living, breathing story. And like all good stories, it is full of contradictions, confusion, and
beauty. Now, go. The street is calling, and I have more to sell before the sun sets.
[1]Lindsay, Aerotropolis The Way Well Live Next
[2]Brook, A History of Future Cities
[3] Braidotti Hlavajova, Posthuman Glossary
[4]Easterling, Extrastatecraft
[5] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[6] Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
[7] Diderot Alembert, Political Articles in the Dictionary
[8]Piketty, Capital in the Twenty First Century
[9] Castells, The Rise of the Network Society
[10] Mitchell, Daoist Nei Gong
[11] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[12] Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
1. Mandatory Real-Name Verification
Players must register using their government-issued ID. Anonymous accounts are banned, and all activity is tied to your real identity.
2. Daily Playtime Limits
Adults are limited to 2 hours of gameplay per day. Exceeding this limit results in automatic logout and a temporary ban.
3. Age Restrictions
Players under the age of 18 are subject to playtime limits (e.g., 1.5 hours on weekdays, 3 hours on weekends and holidays) as per Chinese law.
4. No Nighttime Gaming
The game is completely inaccessible between 10:00 PM and 8:00 AM to "promote healthy sleep habits.“
5. Compliance with Playtime Limits
Players must adhere to the playtime restrictions set by the company and Chinese regulations. Excessive playtime will trigger warnings and temporary bans.
6. No Impersonation
Players must not impersonate developers, moderators, or other players. Misrepresentation undermines trust and fairness.
7. No Real-World Trading
Selling or buying in-game items, currency, or accounts for real-world money is prohibited. This disrupts the game’s economy and fairness.
8. No Political References
Any mention of politics, historical events, or government policies is strictly prohibited. Violators face permanent bans and potential legal consequences.
9. No In-Game Romance
Romantic interactions between characters are banned to "protect moral values." This includes flirting, marriage systems, or even suggestive dialogue.
10. No Blood or Violence
All depictions of blood, gore, or realistic violence must be removed. Enemies must disappear in a puff of smoke when defeated.
11. No Voice Chat
Voice chat is disabled to prevent "inappropriate conversations." Text chat is heavily monitored and filtered.
12. No Competitive Rankings
Leaderboards and competitive rankings are banned to avoid "unhealthy competition" and discourage players from obsessing over wins.
13. No Microtransactions for Minors
Players under 18 cannot make in-game purchases, even with parental permission. All premium content is locked for minors.
14. No Cross-Region Play
Players can only interact with others in their own country or region. International servers are blocked to "prevent cultural conflicts.“
15. No Female Characters in Revealing Outfits
Female characters must be fully covered, with no revealing clothing or exaggerated features. This rule is strictly enforced to "maintain decency.“
16. No Negative Emotions
Characters cannot express sadness, anger, or despair. All dialogue and storylines must be upbeat and "inspire positivity.“
17. No Private Servers or Mods
Running private servers or modifying the game in any way is illegal and punishable by fines or legal action.
18. Follow Developer Instructions
Players must comply with all instructions and updates from the game developers. This includes participating in surveys, beta tests, and community events as requested.
The Rules of Harmonious Gaming: A Guide to Compliance and Control
week 2
Immunity walks the streets of Shenzhen, woven into its glass and steel, its circuits and alleyways. It is not a mere concept but the city itself, a living, pulsing force of adaptation and resistance. In Shenzhen, architecture is more than shelter; it is a second skin, an exoskeleton designed to filter, protect, and endure.
The high-rise facades shimmer with self-cleaning materials, exhaling pollutants and sealing off intrusions, biological or digital. Buildings are encased in skins of nanotech membranes, adjusting to the air’s invisible threats, shifting their porosity as if breathing in unison with the city’s needs. Streets pulse with soft barriers—infrared scanners, biometric thresholds—where movement is assessed, calibrated, and allowed or denied. Immunity does not manifest as walls but as flows, as networks that subtly recalibrate the body within them.
The architecture no longer serves the body; it has become the body. A hyperlinked, self-regulating entity, neither oppressive nor liberating, simply inevitable. Entry points adapt to identities, sculpting passageways that exist only for those who should walk them. Soundwaves dampen, redirect, amplify, ensuring that Shenzhen hears only what it must. Streets narrow or widen, reroute or dissolve entirely, an urban autoimmune reflex against congestion and disorder.
Immunity, as Shenzhen, does not exist in opposition to threats—it absorbs, adapts, and transforms them. It is not a fortress; it is a filter, an entity so interwoven with its surroundings that its boundaries cease to matter. Those who enter become part of it, willingly or unknowingly.
There is no distinction between immunity and architecture, between the city and the self. Shenzhen no longer protects its inhabitants. It assimilates them.
Shenzhen is no longer a city; it is an immune system. It does not react; it anticipates. The urban sprawl, once organic, now functions like an augmented organism, its neural pathways encoded in fiber optics and machine learning algorithms. Every structure, from the smallest capsule apartment to the vast data towers, embodies an immune response. Contagions, whether viral, digital, or ideological, are traced before they fully form, neutralized within milliseconds.
Synaptic Streets: Shenzhen's Immune Response
Some quantitative studies have also begun to appear in mainstream literary journals, a sure sign of their growing acceptance.[2] Change often follows a predictable path—first resistance, then adaptation, and finally, full integration. This delay can explain the fast acceptance and spread of various offers.[3] When the time is right, transformation happens rapidly.
That powerful dynamic has led to the exponential growth of the web.[4] In just ten months, blog readership increased by 58 percent.[5] A clear indication that once people recognize value, adoption accelerates.
Its sustainability is embedded in the construction process; in a world of growth and change, a building is never completed.[6]
The same is true for a society—development is continuous, and adaptation is necessary. A strong foundation ensures stability, but expansion never truly stops.
And since, in the formation and growth of the insect, the soul was, from the beginning, in a certain part that was already living, after the destruction of the insect it will still remain in a certain part that is still alive.[9] Even when growth seems to slow, its essence remains, waiting for the right conditions to flourish once more.
[1] (Clarke, Design Anthropology Object Culture in the 21st Century)
[2] (Siemens, A Companion to Digital Literary Studies)
[3] (Gaudreault, A Companion to Early Cinema)
[4] (Siemens, A Companion to Digital Literary Studies)
[5] (Siemens, A Companion to Digital Literary Studies)
[6] (Bloomsbury & Yelavich, Design as Future-Making)
[7] (Guffey, Designing Disability: Symbols, Space, and Society)
[8] (Spinoza, Complete Works)
[9] (Leibniz, Philosophical Essays)
The Evolution of Acceptance
Media Development 42.3 (2083): 36–39.
You keep preaching to me—constantly—the gospel of more. More, more, more. Always more. [1]
I said, "Despair is bred by overconsumption." [2] I said it, but did you hear me? Did anyone hear me?
Again, you preach to me—constantly—the gospel of excess. [3] "Indulge," you say. "Indulge, because the sages never warned against it. Confucius spoke of balance, but who listens to the old ways now? No one wise ever sought this path. No one wise ever drowned in this much noise." [4]
But numbness—oh, the numbness—is bred by overconsumption. And…
His mind was frayed. Scattered. The doctors warned him. "Overstimulation," they said. [5] "Moderation," they said. "Avoid the loud, the bright, the endlessly novel. Avoid the hotpot that burns your tongue, the baijiu that clouds your mind, the neon lights that blind your soul." [6] But he didn’t listen. How could he? The void was too deep, too wide. Overconsumption was his only escape. His only hope.
So, therefore—emptiness is bred by overconsumption? Is that it?
Some say he collapsed on the ninth hour. Scrolling, scrolling, endlessly scrolling. [7] Others say it was the fourth. His eyes glazed over. The world became a blur. Noise. Light. Noise. Light. Noise. Light. Her partner, a restless soul, laughed. "Even in stillness," he said, "I can’t bear to be without ten screens at once." [8] Ten screens. Ten voices. Ten worlds. None of them real.
Our duty, no, my duty, is to consume. To drown in everything he created. Through excess. Through overstimulation. To obliterate. To obliterate myself. [9]
Chaos. Chaos is bred by overconsumption. "Overconsumption." "Overconsumption?" "Overconsumption (gluttony)." [10]
What concerns him—what concerns me—isn’t action. Isn’t restraint. It’s distraction. To forget. To forget what I’m doing. What I’ve done. What I’ve become. [11]
This divine curse, this gift was sold to me. At the price of endless indulgence. Fleeting pleasures. Empty pleasures. [12] Clarity of mind? No. Clarity is a lie. Clarity is destroyed. Through excess. Through indulgence. I chose this. I chose to drown. In the noise. In the light. In the world.
To escape the silence. The silence. The silence.
But anxiety—oh, the anxiety—is bred by overconsumption. Isn’t it? Isn’t it?
Well, they were all centered on consumption. The need for more. The inability to stop. The justifications. The demands. The addictions. The useless purchases. The unwarranted cravings. The emptiness. The emptiness. The moments—oh, the moments—when I craved it. Bored evenings. Restless mornings. Forbidden hours of the night. The frequency. The constancy.
The always. [13]
However—however—exhaustion. Exhaustion is bred by overconsumption. Isn’t it? Isn’t it?
Now, if we take things literally—if we grasp the irreducibility of the consumer to the subject of desire—then these consumers, then I require either the market’s excess or the subordination of my rationality. My art of living. To a chaotic hunger. An insatiable hunger. [14]
Is overconsumption a vice? Is it? Is it? [15]
The remedy—the remedy—is Moderation. Balance. Stillness. [16]
But how? How?
[1] Marx, Collected Works
[2] von Strassburg, Tristan and Isolde
[3] Marx, Collected Works
[4] Calvin, Harmony of the Law Vol 3
[5] de Montaigne, The Complete Essays
[6] Hippocrates of Kos, Complete Works
[7] Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
[8| Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
[9] Camus, The Rebel
[10] Ruskin, The Stones of Venice
[11] Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
[12] Michelet, Women of the French Revolution
[13] Foucault, The History of Sexuality Volume 1
[14] Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics
[15] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[16] Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
"You keep preaching to me about 'saving face' and 'abstinence.'" [1]
I said, "Hatred grows from restraint, like a weed in an untended field." [2]
Again, you tell me, "You keep preaching to me about 'saving face' and 'abstinence.'" [3] "But even Confucius never held up abstinence as a virtue to be blindly followed. He taught moderation—not extremes." [4]
Yet, weakness is bred by abstinence, and...
"His gums were swollen, rotting. The doctor said he must abstain completely—no spicy hotpot, no baijiu, no fried foods. Only congee and boiled greens could save him." [5] "They warned him to avoid anything 'hot' or 'dry' in nature, as imbalance breeds disease." [6] Indulgence would only feed the fire within.
Abstinence was his only hope.
So then, loneliness is bred by abstinence?
"Some say he died on the ninth day of fasting; others say it was the fourth, the same day they buried the dead from the Battle of Red Cliffs." [7] "Her husband, a cruel man, laughed and said, 'Even on days of abstinence, I can’t do with less than ten times.'" [8] "Our duty is to reject everything he created, to destroy it through asceticism, even to the point of ending creation itself through sexual abstinence." [9]
Distance is bred by abstinence! "Abstinence." "Abstinence?" "Abstinence (fasting)." [10]
"What matters isn’t action or inaction, but clarity—to truly understand what we are doing, like the sage Laozi gazing into the river." [11] "This divine gift came at a cost: the sacrifice of many pleasures, like the monk who leaves the world to find enlightenment." [12] Clarity of mind, they believed, could only come through discipline and sacrifice. I chose to live apart, to distance myself, believing that only through restraint could I find wisdom, like the hermit in the mountains.
But fear is bred by abstinence, isn’t it?
Well, "Everything revolved around marriage: the obligations, the ability to fulfill them, the ways people complied, the demands and violence that came with it, the unwanted touches, the fertility or the methods to avoid it, the times it was demanded (during dangerous pregnancies or forbidden periods or abstinence), its frequency or rarity, and so on." [13]
Yet, coldness is bred by abstinence...
"Now, if we take this literally and accept that the economic subject cannot be reduced to the subject of rights, then these economic subjects require either the sovereign’s abstention or the subordination of his rationality to a scientific, speculative logic." [14] "Is abstinence even a virtue? Or is it just another form of saving face at the cost of truth?" [15]
"The cure is Abstinence, Temperance, and Sobriety—like the teachings of the ancient sages, who sought harmony between heaven, earth, and man." [16]
[1] Marx, Collected Works
[2] von Strassburg, Tristan and Isolde
[3] Marx, Collected Works
[4] Calvin, Harmony of the Law Vol 3
[5] de Montaigne, The Complete Essays
[6] Hippocrates of Kos, Complete Works
[7] Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
[8| Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
[9] Camus, The Rebel
[10] Ruskin, The Stones of Venice
[11] Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
[12] Michelet, Women of the French Revolution
[13] Foucault, The History of Sexuality Volume 1
[14] Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics
[15] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[16] Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
Host 1: "Welcome to Taboo or Not Taboo, the podcast where we expose the wildest, weirdest, and most downright absurd cultural taboos! I’m Alex, reporting from Europe.
Host 2: "And I’m Mei, coming to you from China. If you don’t know the rules, you might just embarrass yourself for life. Today, we’re diving into the cultural landmines that can turn you from a guest to a public enemy in seconds."
Host 1: "And trust me, we are NOT holding back. Some of these will make your jaw drop. Let’s talk about brutal honesty vs. saving face. Mei, tell me the truth: if I asked you, ‘Do I look fat in this?’ what would you say?"
Host 2: "Oh, that’s easy. If you ever—EVER—stick your chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice, congratulations, you just summoned the spirits of the dead. It’s a massive funeral symbol. You might as well walk into a dinner party and say, ‘So, who’s next?’"
Host 1: "Okay, that’s terrifying. But let’s talk about an actual crime against humanity—ketchup on a croissant."
Host 2: "Wait. WHAT?"
Host 1: "Yeah. I saw an American do it once in France, and I swear, the waiter looked like he was about to deport them on the spot.
Host 2: "No. No, I refuse. That is unacceptable, even for me.“
Host 1: "Right?! But here’s the funny part—if this happened in China, you’d probably just say, ‘Eh, if it tastes good, go for it,’ wouldn’t you?"
Host 2: "Of course! Food is personal! Eat what you like! But apparently, in Europe, you need a permit to season your food the way you want."
Host 1: "Listen, some things are sacred, and croissants are one of them. But moving on—let’s talk about something that actually matters—work culture. Mei, why do people in China practically live at their jobs?!"
Host 2: "I’d say, ‘Wow, you look… unique!’ Because in China, honesty should never come at the cost of someone’s dignity. We are masters of diplomatic answers."
Host 1: "Well, in Germany, if you asked that, you’d get ‘Yes, you do,’ with a straight face. No fluff, no filter, just cold, brutal honesty."
Host 2: "That is HORRIFYING. Do people actually survive social interactions over there?"
Host 1: "Oh, we thrive on it. Meanwhile, if you’re too nice, people think you’re being fake. It’s like, ‘What’s your angle? Just tell me the truth already!’"
Host 2: "Nope, I could not handle that. That would give me secondhand anxiety."
Host 1: "Okay, but you know what I can’t handle? The fact that in China, slurping your noodles at full volume is considered polite!"
Host 2: "Excuse me?! It’s a sign of appreciation! If you eat noodles in silence, the chef might think you hate their cooking!"
Host 1: "But to Europeans, that noise is like nails on a chalkboard! If someone slurps like that in a quiet restaurant, people would probably start drafting noise complaint letters on the spot!"
Host 2: "You know what’s worse? Kissing in public. I went to Paris and saw a couple making out so aggressively, I thought they were trying to merge into one person."
Host 1: "Oh, come on, we’re just a passionate people!"
Host 2: "Passionate? You’re practically performing live romance cinema in broad daylight! In China, if you even hold hands too long, people start looking away awkwardly."
Host 1: "Let's just go on with food: What’s a food taboo in China that would make a European’s head explode?""
Host 2: "Excuse me?! Why do Europeans act like work is some minor inconvenience? In China, leaving on time makes you look lazy. If you’re still at your desk at 10 PM, you’re dedicated!"
Host 1: "Or… just terrible at time management? Here, if you stay late, people assume you suck at your job. If you’re still there after 5, your boss is like, ‘Why are you still here? GO HOME.’"
Host 2: "That’s insane. If you left work on time in China, people would assume you just got fired."
Host 1: "Okay, so let’s settle this—if you could steal one European custom and bring it to China, what would it be?"
Host 2: "Leaving work ON TIME. Please. Someone liberate us."
Host 1: "And I’d bring loud noodle slurping to Europe. I want to enjoy my food with full sound effects!"
Host 2: "I hate this. But I also respect it. And on that note, thanks for joining us on Taboo or Not Taboo! If you ever find yourself in a cultural crisis, just smile, nod, and pretend you know what’s going on."
Host 1: "And if that fails, just blame it on ‘cultural differences.’ See you next time!“
They’re building a tower in my name, you know. I am Exposure—the one they fear and crave in equal measure. 'Death can occur within 24 hours of exposure,’ [1] they say, as if I am a disease, a threat.
But I am not the enemy. I am the wind that whistles through walls, the truth that cannot be hidden.
They’ve wrapped it in stone, carved it with European dreams.
'I have said that the two orders, Doric and Corinthian, are the roots of all European architecture,' [2] they whisper, as if to remind me of my origins. But this is not Europe.
This is Shenzhen, a city that wears its modernity like a second skin. And yet, they’ve given me this ancient exterior, this homage to a history they never had. 'Heavenly Vaults: From Romanesque to Gothic in European Architecture, [3] as if to justify their choices. But I wonder—do they understand me, or are they simply using me as a mirror, reflecting their own fears and desires?
Inside, they’ve built a fortress of innovation, a sanctuary of immunity. 'Through innovation and iteration, we aim to take things that work well and improve upon them in unexpected ways,’ [4] they declare, proud of their creation.
They call it the Tower of Exposure, yet inside, they are hidden, protected, immune. 'Such is the state of affairs which prevails among them [5]. A paradox, indeed.
They say, 'Good publicity and outreach will help to increase participation and the quality and quantity of textiles collected.’ [6] But what is publicity, if not another form of exposure?
'Publicity works both ways, sir,’[7] I want to tell them. You cannot control how the world sees you, just as you cannot control the light that falls upon your skin.
They build and they innovate, they hide and they reveal.
A new conception of building, based on realities, has emerged; and with it has come a new conception of space [8].
But I wonder—what is space, if not the distance between exposure and immunity?
What is a tower, if not a question waiting for an answer?
A paradox [9]. So I answer your paradox with another [10]
I am the light and the shadow, the exposed and the immune.
I am the past and the future, the European and the Chinese.
But with power comes responsibility [11] 'Power, very good,’ [12] they say.
They want real power. [13] And I wonder—do they understand what they are asking for?
Do they understand the weight of exposure, the cost of immunity?
This tower, this reprehensible contraption [14], is more than just a building. It is a mirror, a bridge, a question.
Few things so simple have so much power [15]
And I wait. I wait for the day the tower is complete, when it stands tall and proud, a symbol of everything I represent—and everything I am not.
I am Exposure. And this tower? This tower is my masterpiece, my paradox, my question to the world.
[1] Zimring, Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste
[2] Ruskin, The Stones of Venice
[3] Koolhaas, Elements of Architecture
[4] Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
[5] Plato, The Republic
[6] Zimring, Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste
[7] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[8] Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
[9] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[10] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[11] Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
[12] Hugo, Les Miserables
[13] Powers, The Overstory
[14] Mallgrave, Modern Architectural Theory
[15] Koolhaas, Elements of Architecture
Entrance Protocols: Reality Shift in Progress
1. Surrender Your Name
Upon entry, your name will be scrambled into a new, temporary identity. You will respond to whatever designation the building assigns you. Failure to acknowledge your new name results in immediate existential disqualification.
2. Gravity is a Personal Choice
You are responsible for selecting your gravitational setting upon arrival. Default is “random.” If you find yourself falling sideways, please recalibrate your perception.
3. All Mirrors Reflect Alternative Versions of You
Avoid prolonged eye contact with your reflection—it may begin making decisions on your behalf. If your reflection leaves without you, follow it at your own risk.
4. Doors Appear When Needed, Not When Wanted
Entryways materialize based on intent, not location. If a door refuses to appear, reconsider why you need to go through it in the first place.
5. Time Obeys Majority Rule
All visitors must vote on whether time moves forward, backward, or stands still. The result is final for the duration of your stay. Unanimity is rare, so be prepared for disjointed
6. Dreams Will Be Interpreted in Real-Time
Your subconscious thoughts will be displayed in the lobby for immediate analysis by a panel of unknown entities. Their conclusions will influence your assigned purpose within the building.
7. Memory Exchange Required
To enter, you must trade one of your memories with the building. It will choose which one. You may not realize what is missing until someone reminds you.
8. The Building May Relocate Mid-Visit
Should the structure decide to exist elsewhere, all occupants will be seamlessly transported with it. Continue as if nothing happened. Complaints are futile.
9. Laws of Physics Rotate Daily
Check the entrance panel for today’s active physical laws. Yesterday’s knowledge of momentum, thermodynamics, or solid matter may no longer apply. Adjust accordingly.
10. You May Be Someone Else Upon Exit
Upon leaving, expect minor or major alterations to your personality, backstory, or purpose. The version of you that entered may not be the version that leaves. This is normal.
„an exclusive night of privilege“
Yes, you read that correctly. You have been chosen.
Amid the towering skyline of Shenzhen, where ambition meets innovation, you stand apart.
A city that never stops, never sleeps—yet tonight, for a select few, time will slow.
Privilege is but a coin with two sides—exclusivity for some, an unattainable dream for others. [1]
Consider yourself fortunate.
This is not merely an event; it is a statement of elegance, of presence, of prestige.
In a city where a WeChat scan can grant or deny access, tonight, your pass is secured.
Dress the part—sharp, striking, effortless. [2]
Shenzhen’s elite know: image is capital.
An evening of insight, indulgence, and entertainment awaits.
Is knowledge power, or is it pleasure? [3] Perhaps both.
To understand fully is to crave more, to experience deeply is to savor longer. [4]
That is for you to decide.
But be warned—sometimes, the pursuit of all things can leave one with nothing. [5]
There will be music, there will be movement.
What is a gathering without rhythm, without art? [6]
Do not worry. We curate only the best.
Tonight, we are all performers—characters in a story still unfolding. [7]
The finest company has been assembled—
venture capitalists, visionaries, technocrats, artists.
In this city, knowledge is currency, but influence is the true measure of power. [8]
All contribute to the grand machine—some lead, some follow.
And yet, even the highest can be caught off guard. [9]
Will you?
Come prepared.
Deals are struck over baijiu, fortunes shift between courses.
Tonight, indulgence is an art, and even excess has its place.
Drink well, for in rare moments, even drunkenness is an honor. [10]
One thing is certain: exclusivity is paramount. [11]
What happens here stays here.
Decide now, or the decision will be made for you. [12]
Your presence is expected.
Will you rise to the occasion?
"The great pass is as difficult as iron, but now we take a step forward, starting anew."
True power is forged through perseverance and boldness.
[1] Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty
[2] Bourdieu, Distinction
[3] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[4] Harrison Wood Gaiger, Art in Theory 1648 1815
[5] Cicero, On Moral Ends
[6] Plato, The Republic
[7] Sloterdijk, Critique of Cynical Reason
[8] Chiapello, The New Spirit of Capitalism
[9] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[10] Seneca, Complete Works
[11] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[12] Wollstonecraft, Complete Works
Pantheon: Young blood, Arta, young blood! [1] You are only a boy, too young to carry the weight of history. Do you even know what it means to stand for centuries?
Huiyun Center: Too young? I am the pulse of innovation. Technological progress depends on the pace of innovation and the rapidity of implementation [2]. My pace is breathtaking [3].
What can your ancient stones offer against that?
Huiyun Center: Tradition and reinvention [7] —through innovation, we take what works and improve it. These cities of strangers thrive on looking forward, on consumption, on shopping [8]. I am not bound by the past; I am the future. What do you have but old stones and fading echoes?
What can your ancient stones offer against that?
[1] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology, [2] Piketty, Capital in the Twenty First Century, [3] Braidotti Hlavajova, Posthuman Glossary, [4] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology, [5] Lindsay, Aerotropolis The Way Well Live Next, [6] Strabo, The Geography, [7] Zimring, Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste
[8| Carter, Shaking A Leg, [9] Lynn, The Classic of Changes, [10] Seneca, Complete Works, [11] Joyce, Ulysses, [12] Abulafia, The Boundless Sea, [13] Joyce, Ulysses, [14] Grimm, Teutonic Mythology The Complete Work, [15] Castells, The Rise of the Network Society, [16] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology,
[17] Braidotti Hlavajova, Posthuman Glossary, [18] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology, [19] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology, [20] Cicero, On Moral Ends, [21] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
Pantheon: We have always been a growing society, therefore, an immature society [4]. Your speed is impressive, but do you not fear losing your character? [5] I am a historical character, a witness to the ages. My walls hold ancient memories, and my dome whispers reason [6].
Pantheon: When things are in their immature state, one cannot fail to nourish them [9]. You are still young; perhaps you will one day understand endurance [10]. I have seen empires rise and fall, and I remain. I am exhausted, abandoned, no more young, yet I endure [11].
Huiyun Center: China was being transformed, and I am its symbol [12]. You speak of endurance, but I speak of evolution. Gradually changes your character, they say [13]. What will you be when the world no longer looks to the past?
Pantheon: Of very aged people, we say, “Death has forgotten to fetch them.” [14] Perhaps that is my fate—to stand as a relic, a memory. But memories give form to our sense of being. Without me, what would you be? A tower without roots.
Huiyun Center: My character is defined by ambition, by reach. I am not bound by the past; I am propelled by the future. They do not seek technology for the sake of technology but for the betterment of humankind [15]. I am here to elevate, to inspire.
Pantheon: Europe is a sleepy place [16]. Here, in Rome, I am the stillness amidst chaos. You, in Shenzhen, are the chaos itself. Perhaps one day you will understand the value of stillness.
Huiyun Center: The pace is so fast that the speed is breathtaking [17]. I will not apologize for my youth, for my energy. I am not here to disrespect you but to challenge you. The world moves on.
Pantheon: An old, old woman, I may be, but I am not forgotten [18]. I stand timeless, while you race against time.
Huiyun Center: To what memories are you referring? [19] Yours are ancient, but mine are vivid, alive [20]. My memories are of steel and glass, of light and speed. Yours are of stone and shadow.
Pantheon: These opinions fill up their memories and direct their mores. Perhaps I am a relic, but relics remind us of where we came from. Without me, would you even know what you are running toward?
Huiyun Center: I do not curse you, Pantheon. I challenge you. I am the future, and you are the past.
Pantheon: Young blood, Arta, young blood! [21] Perhaps that is all you are. But even young blood must one day learn to respect the veins it flows through.
Huiyun Center: And perhaps old stones must one day learn to bend, or they will break.
This growth reflects, in part, the country’s deeper engagement with the social welfare of all its citizens.[7] As a nation progresses, inclusivity and harmony become priorities, strengthening unity and ensuring collective well-being.
However, every change must be carefully managed. And this was reinforced by the universal cause of the continuous growth of hatred, to wit, the reciprocation of hatred.[8] Progress always faces obstacles, and rejection often leads to conflict. Yet, when guided by stability and order, acceptance prevails.
Growth does not simply emerge from the messiness of practice.[1] It is guided by structure, shaped by time, and strengthened by collective effort. What was once unfamiliar gradually becomes part of the system, proving that true progress is built on order and perseverance.
History shows that acceptance is not spontaneous—it is a structured process. With careful planning, collective effort, and a clear vision, growth is not only possible but inevitable.
week 3